What is Nesting?
Nesting, or the nesting instinct, is a natural burst of energy soon-to-be moms often get in the last few weeks of pregnancy that sends out a signal to clean and organize in preparation for the new baby. Even some dads experience this. The important thing is to use it to your advantage, while you still have the energy. By the time the baby arrives, it’ll be much more difficult.
Signs of Nesting
The urge to begin nesting is often unmistakable, especially if cleaning and organizing isn’t typically your thing. So, here’s a quick list of things to look for:
Deep cleaning all areas of the house
Washing and folding every towel and sheet
Purge extra and unwanted items
Organizing closets and storage spaces
Setting up the nursery all in one go
Vacuuming and dusting every surface
Shopping in quantity for baby items
Meal prepping next week’s meals
By now, you get the gist. The important thing to remember is to use your energy wisely by creating a list and not overdoing it.
When Does Nesting Occur
Most often, the nesting stage of pregnancy occurs toward the end of the third trimester. Signs of nesting include increased adrenaline and heightened emotions or an urgency to get things done, which jolts moms (and dads) into action to ready the nest.
What Causes Nesting Instinct?
Although the cause of nesting instinct is largely unknown, it’s most often attributed to hormonal changes and increased adrenaline that is experienced throughout pregnancy. Some also believe it is a coping mechanism for pregnancy-related anxiety and stress. Whatever the reason, most soon-to-be moms experience it––and some don’t.
Nesting Checklist
When nesting instinct kicks in, take full advantage. Here’s a checklist of things you’ll want to take care of before all your energy gets zapped.

Gather the Essentials
Babies go through a ton of supplies. Clothes, diapers, wipes–you name it. Stock up on it all. You never know when you might run out.
Do Laundry
The first few weeks of having a baby are a lot. If you’re running low on clothes, towels or it’s been a few weeks since you’ve washed sheets, now’s the time to get it done with Dreft Family Friendly Liquid Detergent.
Load Up on Food and Snacks
Get all the things you need to make meals and snacks at home. Fruits, veggies, juices, shakes, bread—anything you can think of. Taking care of a baby eats up a lot of calories.
Clean, clean, clean
Shower and tub need a good scrubbing? Clean it. Couch cushions need vacuuming? Clean it. Ceiling fans need dusting? Careful now! Ask someone for help to clean it. No matter what, use your energy and will power to get things done while you still can.
Dos and Don’ts During the Nesting
When you’re in full-blown nesting stage, getting things done is important. But, it’s important to know your limits. Here’s helpful list of dos and don’ts to be more productive and avoid straining yourself.
Stock the pantry
Load up on baby essentials
Finish assembling the nursery
Ask for help when needed
Lift heavy objects
Use harsh chemicals
Overdo it
Do Dads Go Through Nesting?
Nesting isn’t something moms only do, dad do it too! For guys, it’s a way for them to feel more connected to the pregnancy and do something proactive. Often, this involves starting (and finishing) projects around the house, babyproofing, upgrading the car to a family-sized vehicles, and anything else soon-to-be dads can think of to prepare the world for their new baby boy or girl.
FAQs about Nesting During Pregnancy
When it comes to the nesting phase of pregnancy, one of the most important things is to not stress and use your time and energy wisely. The more you get done, the more confident you’ll feel as time closer to bringing your new baby into the world.